Friday, April 6, 2012

Over the last few weeks, Zeus, the Magnificent, has enjoyed a field of  big yellow dandelions. I didn’t spoil his pleasure by telling him they were weeds…. bad weeds!
For some reason. walk time this week, has had Zeus turning right at the end of the driveway, instead of his usual left. We've met lots of new neighbors, the 4 legged variety. There is Maxwell, Jackson, Lily, Edgar, Fritz, Sasha, Molly…..lot’s of dogs.

By turning right, we haven’t been to the large vacant lot with the dandelions, until this evening. Zeus pranced down the street, headed for the lot. As we approached, there they were….the dandelions had gone to seed….millions of seeds! The ears perked up, the nose went up….the sniffing began. He dived into a big mound and the seeds and their white feathery mode of transportation exploded into the air! Zeus was obviously amused and amazed by the explosion because he bounded from one clump to the next, creating what looked like a severe snowstorm! There in the middle of it all, stood the Mighty Zeus, looking very much like the Easter Bunny! The seeds had covered Zeus' nose, mouth, and ears. It was adorable, and I didn’t have my camera! Again!

We bounded (actually, he, I don't "bound" well) through the dandelions, making sure we didn’t miss a one. I’m thinking I need to call the lawn service and have them bring lots of weed killer. The yards across the street are soon going to be covered with Zeus’ pretty yellow flowers. He used to be a favorite here in my neighborhood …..that may very well be a thing of the past!

I brushed him off out on the porch. It took me a while to pull the seeds from his mouth, a tedious process he did not enjoy. Now if I could just train him to blow his nose.

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