Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I woke up this morning with a feeling of....well, not quite "doom", but not light hearted and anxious for my day to begin either. There was this shadow hanging over my head; a shadow over my heart. I stayed in bed, thinking about what could have me in such a funk before my feet even hit the floor. And then it dawned on me....the primaries are over, now is the time for all out political crap! The next 2+ months will provide us with more lies than anyone should have to deal with.
 I have been sick and disgusted with politicians for a long time. Here we are, closing in on yet another national election.....and what will it accomplish?  Nothing, just more of the same. I know I sound defeated, I am feeling just that, defeated.  I'm not talking one party over the other, I am talking about the disgusting people we Americans have sent to Washington DC for decades...You know who I am talking about. All of those men and women who have padded their bank accounts, their benefits, their futures....and they have never suffered any loss, have never given up one damned thing. I, of course, realize  "Gabby" Gabrielle Giffords gave up an unbelievable amount, but that is a different kind of giving. No one, no matter what position they are in, should be attacked by a madman.
 Our elected officials act like they are so over worked if, after doing nothing productive for months at a time, they have to stay an extra day or two in Washington to pass a bill that can keep America working for another 90 days! Keeping America working is their damn job!  
Watch this short video and hear a common ordinary man's opinion...I am not alone.  Trust me, he hits both parties.

The way I am feeling this morning might call for peach schnapps in my orange juice!

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Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Italy

Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Italy
oil painting by Kay Tucker

Somerset Autumn on Wea Creek

Somerset Autumn on Wea Creek
Oil Painting by Kay Tucker, Private Collection


oil painting by Kay Tucker

Kansas Storm

Kansas Storm
oil painting by Kay Tucker, Private Collection

Watercolor Collage

Watercolor Collage

Tempo al Tempo....All in Good Time

Tempo al Tempo....All in Good Time
48"x36" sculptural painting by Kay Tucker