Thursday, August 9, 2012

Zeus the Moose,  Zeus the Wonder dog,  the Zeus Man,  Zoosie the Smoochie....yep, he has all of those names. But never have I considered calling him Zeus the Grump. He is always up, always happy, always glad to see me.............until today. His normal schedule consists of sleeping until 9am,  dining on adorable dog food for small dogs, then taking a stroll around the neighborhood, whizzing on choice blades of grass, seeking out areas where other male dogs  have marked their territory, and methodically topping them with his very own,very masculine,very special mark.   Uh......that may be over.
Today I woke him up (literally pulled his blanket out of his little bed and unwrapped a very sleepy dog) at 7am.  He stretched, strolled into his very special bowls....and they were gone! He looked at me like I had stolen his breakfast when actually I had not  prepared his breakfast.
I attached his leash and  we went for a quick  walk around the block. He obviously thought his breakfast would be waiting for him when he returned home....wrong. Zeus didn't know it at that moment, but his day was going to plummet to the pits! Today was "snip, snip"day for my little buddie. We arrived at the vet's by 7:30 and Zeus showered the vet with kisses.  It was like they were old buddies!
I was told to call at 1:00, after lunch with my friend Winnie.  All was well, he was awake, wagging his tail, appeared to be happy,according to  the vet.  When I arrived to pick him up, I said in a normal indoor voice"Hi, I'm Kay Tucker here to pickup Zeus".  All hell broke loose!! A howling that sounded like the Hounds of the Baskervilles started up back in the kennels. Zeus had heard me! I thought to myself, "Bless his heart, he is so anxious to see me!"
Getting him to the car took both the vet and me....Zeus was what we might call "madder than hell!"  The vet layed him in the backseat, on top of his very own soft cozy blanket. I thanked the doctor, said goodbye and turned to pet Zeus, my lovable little 9 pound Daschund.  Lovable! Ha! No more! He looked at me and growled! Zeus is PISSED!
To make matters worse, he doesn't get food or water until tomorrow.

A few minutes ago he slowly wandered out into the living room, looked at me with the most pathetic expression,  snarled at me, turned slowly and staggered back to bed.

           How long is Zeus going to hate me?

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Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Italy

Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Italy
oil painting by Kay Tucker

Somerset Autumn on Wea Creek

Somerset Autumn on Wea Creek
Oil Painting by Kay Tucker, Private Collection


oil painting by Kay Tucker

Kansas Storm

Kansas Storm
oil painting by Kay Tucker, Private Collection

Watercolor Collage

Watercolor Collage

Tempo al Tempo....All in Good Time

Tempo al Tempo....All in Good Time
48"x36" sculptural painting by Kay Tucker