I'm pretty excited! This Friday night at Artichokes, Becky Pashia and Mike Savage, 2 excellent painters working throughout the evening; live jazz; open studio going on with a variety of painters of all ages; and I just found out....a wall of my paintings! Hooray! This is BIG STUFF for me, Folks!Please come by, have a glass of wine, listen to some great jazz and check out all of the art. I'd love to see you there.
If you can't make it tomorrow night, the gallery will be open from 10am to 5pm on Saturday.
Don't be surprised if you come by and I am in the studio painting....it is the perfect place to paint!
I don't want this to sound too much like a commercial, but if you would like to paint, or learn to paint, ARTichokes is the place for you!
No recipes today, need to end this and work on tomorrow's events. You see, after I leave ARTichokes tomorrow evening, I need to head for Merriam to hear my grandson, Alex, and the band Metis. They are the headliners tomorrow night and a record company representative will be there to hear them! The bar is called Aftershock, and this short little granny will be as close to the stage as I can possibly be! Forgive me, Alex, hope I don't embarrass you.