Picture this….the beautiful rolling hills of Somerset Ridge Vineyard. There, scattered across the Norton Vineyard and the French Vineyard were 30 artists….all prepared to spend the day in the sunshine, selling there paintings, pottery, sculptures, glass and furniture to the savvy and generous clientele of Somerset Ridge.
There were big umbrellas of every color shading the artists. Easels displaying landscapes, abstracts and florals! Tables laden with glass and iron, sculptures and wine barrel stave serving pieces and wine paraphernalia. We had artists that were as young as 12 and as old as me! …..And then it happened…..Where was Noah when we needed him!

I looked around through the drenching rain to see my darling brother, Tom, not 10 feet from me, hanging on to their canopy. See what I mean about our mother not raising smart kids? I was about to waddle over ( running with clothing, including underwear and shoes, full of water is impossibility) but I thought twice about it when a giant clap of thunder boomed over our heads. We waddled to the winery as fast as we could, to be greeted by a photographer who snapped our photos before they handed us towels. We were drenched to the skin, and then some!
There was quite a party going on in the winery….and many of the artists were completely dry (the smart ones)!
After several hours of partying, it was time to survey the damage. I actually didn’t fare too badly. I lost 1 painting, 1 patio umbrella, 1 cell phone (they do not hold up well underwater), a little flesh from my hands and arms, and I am sure, some respect from my fellow artists. When I finally got to see myself in a mirror, I did indeed, resemble a big old drowned rat with mascara streaks down her cheeks! I was an absolute vision of loveliness!
I got over myself quickly, there was nothing I could do. My purse, that I had left wide open up by the post, was full of water. Not only was my cell phone submerged, but so was my makeup. I left everything as it was, and wandered about the winery, checking on how the other artists had come through the storm. There was a great amount of laughter, a few tears, and many startled expressions when they laid eyes on me.
As the storm left Miami County, the sun, that we had all been prepared for, broke through the clouds and soon, we were under a sky of blue. Most of the artists packed up and headed for home to try to salvage their work. I got help from my adorable granddaughter, Holly. As we loaded my trunk, I looked up and here came some old friends from high school. They had purchased a painting of mine at the first Art in the Vines and they came to see what I had painted in the last few months. I can tell you this, I have now sold paintings out of the trunk of my car! It is like “starving artist on the road again!”
After the sale, we sat out in the winery yard, drinking wine and remembering the good old days.
My paintings are being cared for by my friend and studio partner, Dave Gross, a truly wonderful painter . I drove my paintings to Paola where Dave was waiting for me. We unloaded them, checked them out for damage and turned a fan on them to help with the drying.
With any luck, they will be hanging in the gallery at For Art’sake on the historical square in Paola, Kansas. The show opens Saturday, June 19th as part of the Paola Art and Wine Stroll. Please come and join me, I would love to see you! I will be there from 10am until 9pm. I am bringing Somerset Ridge Wines!...and, it’s indoors!