What a lovely afternoon! My dear sweet sister-in-law came over, we opened a bottle of wine and spent the next 2 hours watching Dallas! I recorded it the night it was on and we finally got around to watching it. I made some ham salad, put out some Ritz Crackers, and we had a great time! The wine at 2:00 in the afternoon had quite an affect on me, but evening plans consist of walking Zeus, the Moose before bedtime, so I think I am safe.
I am always so shocked every darned morning when I see myself in the mirror, I have way too many wrinkles! It can be depressing some days. But not today….not after I saw Larry Hagman. He has aged! Of course, he is in his 80s now!
It was definitely what they call a Cliff Hanger!
The new Dallas is very good, full of the oil business, the cattle business, and plenty of monkey business! But, as I said, the original cast members have definitely aged…but then, so have I. As for the new cast members…young good looking men, gorgeous women. The young men cast as JR’s and Bobby’s sons are perfect for the parts. Chips off the old blocks!
So, today Dallas was enjoyed with wine. In 1980, I didn’t drink wine, but I did drink a very popular drink of that era….the Frozen Daiquiri. It was so simple, so tart, so cold!
This recipe makes six servings.
1 (12 fluid ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate
12 fluid ounces rum
1 tray ice cubes
(You can tell this is an old recipe! A TRAY of ice cubes! Today, I'd say about 21/2 to3 cups of ice.)
In a blender, combine limeade concentrate, rum and ice cubes. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve immediately.