Here we are thigh high in snow but I am beginning to plan for the summer. No, I am not talking about summer vacations, traveling, etc. I am talking about events at the vineyard! It won't be long before we have bud break on the vines....well, it might be better to say "in April"...I just hope it won't "be long". Anyway, once the buds pop out, it is just a matter of time before we have a lush green vineyard once again.
That means it is just a matter of time before we once again hold our Art in the Vines! I am going to start contacting the artists soon to ask for their commitment to our 2010 art fair. We will try to schedule it for a perfect weekend in June! Stay tuned...there will be many great events at Somerset Ridge Vineyard and Winery!
As for painting....I am a loser! I have not picked up a brush since the first of December. I've walked into my studio several times, only to look around, sigh, and walk out. What could be wrong with me? So I thought maybe I should work on my creativity in the kitchen. I have 150 recipes I need to work on, prepare, design the presentation and take the photographs. I walk into the kitchen, look around, sigh and walk out! Picking up on the pattern? Oh well, there is always tomorrow! My paint brushes and oil paints are at the ready....camera batteries are charged up and ready to go....plenty of butter in the refrigerator. Yep, tomorrow is a new day.
So, you ask, how have I been spending my time? I have two projects that are near and dear to my heart. Short term project....Pig 102 with Chef Jasper Mirabile! This is where J and I take pork from a whole pig, snout to tail, and create a delicious meal. We hold the event at Jasper's Restaurant and the profit goes to the Slow Food organization. This event will be held on February 25th! So, now I am curing pork, tweaking recipes, etc. I love living on the edge!
My long term project is the Somerset Ridge Cookbook. I have been promising friends of the vineyard that there would be a cookbook....and now it is more than just an idea! Lots of work to be done, but I love it!
Now, just one thing to do.....pray for spring!