Maria’s current work, her El Dorado series, comes straight from her heart. It isn’t just the amazing history of her country, or the wonderful colors of the Caribbean coast, that make these paintings seem alive and vibrant; but rather, it is the spiritual approach Maria has taken to apply that history, her story, to her canvases. During the evening Maria spoke with great passion, sharing the history of the beautiful tribes of the Andes.
"The El Dorado collection is a series of paintings that are inspired by my readings and studies of Latin American history and art history.
These pieces are inspired by the indigenous tribes of the Andes in the area of Colombia. Some are tribes from prehistoric times that still survive to this day. I am fascinated by their elaborate artifacts in gold and other metals. As I learned about these cultures (many have completely disappeared) I learned about the legend of El Dorado.
El Dorado treasure is believed, by many countries of the Americas, to be buried there. I understand why, with the amount of works in gold, people of modern times would believe in this large treasure.
I am inpired by the indigenous tribes such as the Sinu, Tayronas, Muiscas, Calimas and more because of their talents to create such beautiful pieces of art. They used them for their spiritual believes and survival. I have met some of these people face to face...
They had their story and now I pass it on to you with my art..
Ok I just got emotional."
Her presence was a major part of the evening. Dressed in black, with incredible dark hair and eyes, and wearing one of the beautiful necklaces she has created, Maria carried herself throughout the evening with style and grace.
There were originally 11 pieces in the El Dorado collection. By Monday morning, only 4 remained! Maria has indeed strummed the heartstrings of Kansas City’s art collectors.

As if working with René was not a big enough treat, I also got to sample his chocolates and drink wine while working! Not a bad job!
Chef Rene Bollier and I tried to move our wine glasses out of the photo. Didn't work!
To top it off, I watched two couples fall in love with 2 of Maria’s paintings and they bought them! What a weekend!