Somerset Ridge Vineyard Concordia Wine
Our Winemaker, Dennis Reynolds, is busy creating another wine for Somerset Ridge. He is a very busy man, always thinking, creating, planning, and always overseeing the entire vineyard and winery. When our latest wine, Concordia was released, I wondered what the reception would be among wine drinkers. Concordia has been described as a rich Grape Bomb! It is very much like a wine-infused grape popsicle! Would the old wine snobs come out of the woodwork and turn their noses up at this delightful wine, or would they be honest, inhale the delicious aroma and try his new wine with an open mind? Well, was I in for a surprise! It is going off the shelves as fast as they can bottle it!

Agrigento Temple of Concord Picture © 2008 by James Martin, Europe Travel
The Temple of Concordia and an ancient Olive Tree, Agrigento, Sicily
Do you wonder how his newest wine got its name? Let me tell you a story.......
I recently returned from a wonderful trip to Sicily. Not knowing much of Sicily's history, I was truly amazed at the thousands of years of history still standing. When you are from Kansas, you don't just turn a corner and run into another ancient ruin! Ah-h-h, it is entirely the opposite in Sicily.
In Sicily there is a town that remains very Greek. It is noisy, crowded, and lively. Agrigento, Sicily is the home of the Valley of Temples, which I have been told is the most important archaeological site left. They say the Greek poet, Pindar (ca.522-438BC) once described the Valley of Temples as "the most beautiful city built by mortals". Among the temples, there stands one in amazing condition, considering it was built in the 5th century! It is the Temple of Concord.
The Goddess Concordia was honored as the Goddess of Harmony....it is because of this that Dennis named his new wine "Concordia". Made from the All-American Concord grape, Dennis accomplished a wine that will definitely make you feel peaceful and harmonious.
I am looking forward to spending time in my kitchen, perfecting some recipes that can handle this big glass of grapes.....stayed tune!
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