The seven of us have just completed one of Becky Pashia's Abstract classes at Artichokes. This morning at 8:30am we met Becky (front on left) for breakfast at Room 39, the gallery's next door neighbor. In spite of a snowstorm outside, we found the breakfast and the company warming and delightful. With breakfast over, we moved to the studio to paint our 4th and final painting for the class. We prepared our pallets, grabbed our brushes and pallet knives and went to work on our canvases, hoping to make Becky proud of her students! The results today amazed me, each of my fellow students carried home 4 paintings, 1 for each week of class. You could stand back and see the improvement with each painting, but what surprised me was you could see a very clear style emerging for each student! Becky Pashia brought out the best in us!
ARTichokes is located in the Mission Farms development at 106th & Mission Road in Leawood. Stop by and see the newest show hanging in the gallery, and if there is a class in progress, check it out, it would probably be perfect for you! Go to http://www.artichokeskc.com/ for gallery hours and class schedules.
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