What a glorious evening! The opening for the new show at ARTichokes took place on a perfect evening. It was mild with a beautiful sky and gentle breeze. Thank heavens....the crowd spilled out onto the sidewalk! It was amazing how many people came to enjoy the new art pieces and ARTichokes' newly designed space.
Becky Pashia and Megan Sutherland spent the first 3 weeks of August redesigning their gallery and studio in Mission Farms at 107th and Mission Road in Leawood, Kansas. I thought it was perfect before, but
you should see it now!

Becky, co-owner and artist, has a brand new painting space right in the middle of the gallery. Her former studio is now a space designed for classes. (Go to www.artichokeskc.com/ and click on class schedule. Pick a class! You can sign up on line.)
I arrived at ARTichokes at 3:30 in the afternoon for a painting demonstration by Arkansas artist, Barry Thomas. Barry is known as an American Impressionist. Visit his web page and view his paintings. http://www.barrythomasart.com/

The other artists in this show are Sue Adams, Sara Cameli, Angie Jennings, Bruce Mayfield, Pam Peffer and Mike Savage. There are several wonderful new pieces hanging by Kristin Goering, ARtichokes instructor. Becky Pashia found some time during all the remodeling to paint several exciting new pieces!

The show is one of ARTichokes' best! Take the time to visit the gallery. Go to http://www.artichokeskc.com/ for the gallery hours, artist information and photos of some of the pieces in the show. While you are there, check out the classes offered starting after Labor Day! Get those creative juices flowing again!
The recipe for today: Last night's appetizers were delicious, provided by Room 39, ARTichokes' nextdoor neighbor. There were crab cakes, spicy cheese balls, stuffed mushrooms, watermelon cubes wrapped in prosciutto and endive petals with blue cheese. For the dessert tray, warm almond cake with a dallop of whipped cream. All were bite-sized but BIG in flavor. Room 39 always does a great job.
One of my favorite appetizers is one that I can make several hours before the party and stick in the refrigerator. This recipes makes about 15 servings, but if you are having a large crowd, it is way too simple to increase the number of servings...won't even take a calculator! Just remember to prepare the tomatoes and onions at least 8 hours before you are ready to assemble the sandwiches.
Roma Tomato Sandwiches
1 loaf white sandwich bread...not Wonder Bread, but a good loaf from the bakery
Roma Tomatoes, peeled
1 large white onion
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon mustard
salt and pepper
Slice the peeled tomatoes and onions and layer them in a plastic container. Cover and refrigerate them for 8 hours. You are infusing the tomatoes with the onion flavor.
Cut the bread slices into 2" rounds, using a 2" biscuit cutter. Spread each slice generously with a mixture of the mayonnaise and mustard.
Remove the onions from the container of tomatoes. Drain the tomato slices well, then place one slice of tomato on a bread round. Sprinkle generouly with salt and pepper. Top with another bread round.
When all sandwiches are complete, place on a tray and cover with slightly damp paper towels and then with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.
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