The class was wonderful. We dived right in, actually had two writing assignments, 1 for the opening of an article on Hot Air Baloons, the 2nd for the opening on Mashed Potatoes. Fun! I truly can hardly wait for the next class!
I have homework....haven't had homework in years. Will I have enough self control and drive to get it done? Time will tell.
It is an interesting assignment. Write an opening to an article about a coffee shop. Let me say this.....I’m a Hot Tea kind of woman….nothing fancy, nothing green, just plain old tea. Do I drink coffee? Sure, late at night , in a piano bar listening to jazz, I drink Bailey’s and coffee. Does that count?
Sending me into a Starbucks is like sending me to a different planet. But I faced my assignment with an open mind. All I can say is, I’m glad I took my open wallet. Holy Cow! The prices! To make it worse, I didn’t even know what it was I spent $6.00 on!
How was I to know Caffé Misto was coffee with steamed milk. Talk about STEAMED! Why doesn’t it cost $2.00 instead of $6.00? After all…its coffee with steamed milk. I can buy coffee with Bailey’s Irish Cream for $4.50!
I will say this much for them, their Caramel Apple Spice is delicious, particularly if you have a piece of Pumpkin Loaf with it!
I do have one question….why is a small beverage called a “Tall”?
Yes, I definitely do not come from the Planet Starbucks.
Tomorrow I’m landing on Planet It’s a Grind. I’ll send a report back. Over and out.
Pumpkin loaf....mmmmm, sounds delicious.

Pumpkin Date Nut Loaf makes 2 loaves
1 cup butter, melted
4 eggs
1 (14 1/2-ounce) can pumpkin
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 3/4 cups flour
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup chopped dates, dusted with flour
(Starbucks didn't have nuts or dates....mine is better!)
Melt butter. Add eggs and pumpkin. Beat thoroughly. Add sugars, baking soda and powder, and spices. Beat thoroughly until all lumps are removed. Add flour. Beat thoroughly. Add nuts and dates, mix. Spoon into 2 greased bread pans. Bake for 1 hour at 350ºF. Test with toothpick to ensure loaves are ready.
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