What a great weekend! I spent both Saturday and Sunday working at the winery, and had a wonderful time. Weekends are always busy, but when we introduce a new wine....IT IS PACKED! Friends, Family and Wine Lovers come in packs! They even come on horse back!
The new Tawny Port was a huge hit which doesn't surprise me because when Dennis Reynolds makes a wine, he makes magnificent wine!
To add to the excitement at the vineyard and winery, the weather here was unbelievable for November 1st! In the 70s! Gorgeous blue sky with a few whispy clouds, the kind they call "mare's tails". The vines have turned red and gold, the grass is still lush green. A perfect picture!

Now, let me explain to you what I did for 2 days.....I cooked Pierogies! Frank, the Pieroguy owner of KC's own Pierogies brought out his locally-hand made, organic delicacies. Frank was there in the tasting room to help with sauce ideas for each of the four varieties...potato & cheddar; potato, cheddar & bacon or mozzerella, Italian sausage & pepperoni and his newest, organic broccoli! (Did I mention that Donald Trump's chef ordered 12 dozen last week?!)
Yes. even Donald thinks these pierogies are the best!

These pierogies are so good, look perfect, and are so simple to prepare. You drop them frozen into boiling water. 6 minutes later they are floating and are ready to be sizzled in the wine reduction butter sauces. There were pierogy munchin' folks all over the veranda, the grassy hillsides and in the winery!.....Frank is the man! (And pretty darned cute at that!)
Yep....this was quite a weekend!
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